
Brother Moore sends Carnicus Pictures

If anyone has the identities of these "actors" please let me know so I can reveal the names.

There have been some pictures added for Jim Turner and JD Dodd and some information about their careers on the Phi Sig Communications Forum CLICK HERE to visit and add your own comments or topics for discussion.

OR add your comments in the COMMENT section below this line.
Damn Glad




It began in Chicago at the National Convention I attended with Dewey Ewing or was it Mike Clift?
Memories scramble past 70 it seems.

Barbara McIntosh a student at Keuka College on the Finger Lakes in upstate NY had been chosen as Moonlight Girl at Cornell and was then selected as the National Moonlight Girl -

That Summer she spent in London working for Garfinkle Brooks - since her father Herb was the VP in charge of the 42nd Street Brooks Brothers in Manhattan. During that time she broke up with her boyfriend from Cornell and so came to the convention sans an escort. Being a new Field Secretary who was unattached I became the lucky guy selected as her escort.

The first night after her arrival and the introductory dinner, we agreed to go out on Rush Street to the best clubs in the loop. After dancing and a few cocktails we returned to my room at the Sheraton Blackstone and she never left. Even with her mother in the room upstairs it was after dawn when she finally had to go to where here suitcases and clothes were. 

I was as shocked as Mike or Dewey - I had fallen in love at first sight with this beautiful woman I had never seen until that day and for the next 2 years we were difficult to separate. 

David Lepchitz from Xi Deuteron, and Bob Carter from Southern Illinois joined me as the three new National officers - David drew the North and East, Bob the Midwest and South and I got the West Coast. 

My first stop was the University of California at Berkeley where in 1967 the huge house was filled with a membership of 120 - but Fall of 69 there were 12 brothers left and only a dozen guys came through rush. In the wake of the Free Speech Movement the entire Greek system at Berkeley collapsed. 

The Second stop at Stanford was entirely different - but still amazingly odd. The Stanford chapter had split in half - 1) side the drinker Conservatives vs 2) side the Liberal anti-war Heads - they held separate meetings - had different officers and generally could not stand each other. 

Weeks one and two and I was dropped into the epicenter of a change that would sweep across the country and strengthen as opposition to the war grew. 

My next stop brought me to UCSB (Santa Barbara) - not yet as extreme as Stanford or Berkeley but on the way - then on to UC Davis and UC Fullerton - where things were much more "normal". By November I had been to Arizona State Tempe, Arizona Tucson, Univ Nevada Reno, New Mexico in Albuquerque, and on to Washington - Seattle - all pretty "normal" Then I spent 2 weeks opening a new chapter with the Jesuits as Gonzaga - quite Conservative with a side trip to Pullman WSU. 

Once every 3 weeks I save up enough $$ to purchase an airplane ticket for Barbara to join me on the West Coast. It was the first time in PSK history a Field Rep came with the National Sweetheart 


Party Pictures from the Mike Clift Collection!!!

These are great to have Mike
Does anyone remember where these parties were?
Or were we all too toasted to remember?

Phi Sig Formal in Gatlinburg?

Big Don's Costume Party but where was it?

Dewey thinks this was at Tuckaleechee but I don't think so

This one is the KD Formal at Deane Hill Country Club
Deane Hill is no longer there but I remember it well (since it's written on the Pic)

We have a PSK Communications Forum
Just click on the link above and you can communicate with the brothers by
Replying to any topic or adding a new topic of your own. VISIT NOW

PLEASE let us know if you visit this site by leaving a COMMENT
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If you cannot leave a comment - pop-up blockers don't allow it -
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If we are going to continue to provide this service we would like to know if
anyone is visiting it and what you think we can do to improve it.
Damn Glad

Brother David Stump sends pictures

Brother Dave Stump & Family at their favorite place at Ocean Isle Beach in NC
Thats Dave on the left with son TD - Matt - and wife Nedine (also UT grad who's dad once ran Student Center and related to Gordan Sams one of our old brothers - who owned the famous Pump Room back in 65)

Dave & Nedine at another favorite place Las Monunitas in Cuernavaca

We need more of these to post here brothers
Please send pics to Barry (aurabass@comcast.net) so we can post theme here.


Damn Glad to be a Phi Sig

At least we used to be.

2005 marks nearly fourty years since most of us said that phrase on a regular basis. Inspired by Dewey Ewing this weblog is a place where Phi Sigs of the 60's and 70's can visit to share pictures, share stories, and find old friends. E-mail Dewey Ewing CEwing2761@aol.com for a list of e-mail addresses.

Welcome - Damn Glad to be a Phi Sig - Barry Bozeman

We request that brothers viewing this site do the following:
If you have any old pictures please send us copies so we can post them here.
If you have any newer pictures of brothers as they are now please send them so we can post them here.
If you have any memories or stories you would like to tell please write them down and we will post them here
If you have any news about our brothers; deaths, illness, accomplishments, awards or additions to their families please send them in and we will post it here.
Feel free to send pictures of your families if you would like to share them here.
This site will be whatever we want to make it.
If you have pictures but do not have the ability to scan and send by computer contact us and we will help you do it.

Please leave any comments and your e-mail address in the "Comments" section
Just click on "Comments" in the line below.


These pictures were taken a few days ago

The Front was designed to resemble the old Laurel Ave. House

The back terrace was lowered

For those of you who remember the old baseball field but have not been back to the campus - this is how the new Lindsay Nelson baseball and softball stadium looks